[HQRP] Fwd: Re: Arkiecon

Ed Manuel (N5EM) n5em@flash.net
Thu, 11 Jan 2001 09:29:07 -0600


Just a note to remind you that Arkiecon is happing in a couple of 
months.  This one is a heck of a lot closer than Dayton, Atlanticon, 
Pacificon or Ft. Tuthill.  Might want to start making your plans to 
attend.  I'm planning to go.  Pooled transportation arrangements would be 
in order.  Yahoo says 521 miles from my house and 10 hours or so.  Sounds 
like I need to take Friday off and leave in the morning to have a hot time 
Friday night in Ar-kansas.  (Is such a thing possible :-)  Other thoughts?

See you at the next meeting on January 20th.

Ed, N5EM

>Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 20:07:42 -0600
>Reply-To: w5jay@alltel.net
>Sender: owner-qrp-l@Lehigh.EDU
>From: "Jay Bromley" <w5jay@alltel.net>
>To: "Low Power Amateur Radio Discussion" <qrp-l@Lehigh.EDU>
>Subject: Re: Arkiecon
>X-To: <crooke@prodigy.net>, "Low Power Amateur Radio Discussion" 
>X-Cc: "William Winscott" <n6cha@ipa.net>, "Steve Lowrey" 
><snlowrey@alltel.net>, "Stan Ross" <slross@cox-internet.com>, "Royce 
>Rainwater" <ke5tc@crosstel.net>,
>         "Ronald M. Kupers" <w5xq@arrl.net>, "Richard Donovan" 
> <n5xm@alltel.net>, "Randy Holden" <Randy_Holden@hotmail.com>, "Randy 
> Baggett" <kg5ne@cei.net>,
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4133.2400
>X-Orcpt: rfc822;qrp-l@listserv.cc.lehigh.edu
>Jim and all,
>I have been knee deep in P-TiCks, fighting ICE storms and making final
>preparation arrangements for ArkieCon.  I wanted to get "all my ducks in a
>row" before making any announcements.  Time is getting too short so here is
>the scoop so far.
>ArkieCon will be held the weekend of April 7, 2001 at Columbus Acres off of
>Hwy 71 South in Fort Smith, AR.  The same place as last year.  Like
>Pacificon and Atlanticon, ArkieCon 2001 will have an international flare
>with guest speakers Tony Fishpool and Graham Firth.  Also joining the guest
>lineup will be NJQRP's own George Heron.  More to follow on the speakers
>We will have a ton of notable attendees to hang out with the whole weekend,
>like Mr. NorCal Jim Cates ( Jim is the one who does all the work and made
>Doug famous), also coming is "I can build a better antenna" Vern Wright.
>Moderating this years event will be none other than NorCal's Doug Hendricks.
>I will get hung for giving the link for last year's web site.  Hanging Judge
>Kelsey has been waiting patiently for me to finalize things so he can update
>the web page.  Please be patient but in the mean time, put us on your
>calendar and check out what happened last year at
>Please note that the guest speaker page has NOT been updated.
>Hope to cu this Spring
>73 de w5jay or just JayBob..
> > Can someone point me to info on Arkiecon this year?  My links are not
> > working and I'm scheduling my weekend travels this spring.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > 72 es oo's   Jim  KJ0C

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