[BLT] Wharton repeater

Christopher Boone CBoone@Earthlink.Net
Wed, 11 Feb 2004 00:25:03 -0600

John WA5EUJ was part of it I think......I know he was involved with one 
rptr down there but I am not sure if it was that freq or another 145..

Check with him...he is good at QRZ...I USED to have John's email address 
but cannot find it...

Tell him I said hi! Its been a few years since we chatted...(he met me 
through my work on the Dewalt machines when I did maintenance on 28/88 
and 444.6 back in '92..he and Byron W5LGQ, who was trustee of the 
machines at the time, are old friends)

Myles Barkman wrote:

> Figured someone here might know.
> Is there still a repeater on 145.430 in Wharton?
> Anyone have any information on it?

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