[BLT] 10 GHz - I need help building a miniature beacon

Ron Sparks rls@sparkles.com
Tue, 13 Apr 2004 23:44:13 -0500

Hello all,

I am working to once again fit into the 20th South Texas Balloon Launch for
late this summer.  I am working on refining the video system which operates
on 1.255 GHz FM (temperature problems last year).

While am doing that, I would also like to build a miniature (i.e., 6-9 oz or
less) 10 GHz beacon to also launch with the package.  We use a solid cone
ground plane antenna for the ATV and a 10 GHz companion would be very small
and easy to build.

What I need help with is a design and components for the beacon itself.  It
does not need to have any smarts because there is spare processor power in
the on-screen display unit and I can use that to toggle a CW line.  So
basically I need plans for a very stable keyable oscillator with, ideally,
about 0.1-1 watt output.  Stability is an issue since the temperature can
typically change from 90F down to -40F in the first hour of flight.  High
efficiency is a plus.

Anybody out there who might Elmer me or maybe even have a concept that I can
build, if so please e-mail me directly at:


Any help will be appreciated.

73 de AG5RS, Ron