[BLT] Fw: [amsat-bb] Monster Rocket

Andy MacAllister w5acm@swbell.net
Sun, 13 Jun 2004 00:36:39 -0500

It's not balloons, but This Looks Cool!

To The Edge of  Space!

Andy W5ACM


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Anthony Monteiro" <aa2tx@comcast.net>
To: "Robert Bruninga" <bruninga@usna.edu>; <amsat-bb@AMSAT.Org>
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Monster Rocket

> Hi Bob,
> Edmund Scientific sells a simple kit to convert a 1 liter
> plastic soda bottle into a water rocket. It has a
> nozzle, air pump fitting and a set of fins that screw
> on to the end of the bottle.
> The stock nozzle is set to trigger at 24 psi which gives
> pretty good altitude but if you put a garden hose washer around
> the air-pump fitting, it will hold off until 100 psi. This gives
> dramatically higher results.
> Most plastic bottle seem to tolerate 100psi although a few
> do blow-out. I use a air compressor to set them off and it is
> literally a blast.
> Thanks for the tip on the Kaybee model. With a 2 liter
> bottle, it should go that much higher, especially
> with the 100psi mod and compressor.
> 73,
> Tony AA2TX
> ---
> At 01:28 PM 6/10/2004 -0400, Robert Bruninga wrote:
> >AMSAT demos.
> >
> >If you want to add spice to your AMSAT demos or
> >satellite classes, consider the Water Rockets that
> >are out there now.  At KAY BEE toys or Toys
> >R-US you can get a 7 foot tall rocket for $35 that
> >
> >All it is is a rocket, a base, and a hand air pump.
> >
> >Pour in about a quart of water, pump, squeeze the
> >"launch" bulb and whammo, this water rocket goes
> >well over 100 feet.
> >
> >Maybe it is not very high, but being 7 foot tall it
> >does make an impression.  We are using it this
> >year to break the manotony of all the satelite demos
> >we are doing for visiting student groups.
> >
> >It is VERY well engineered.  All it is is a 2 quart
> >coke bottle with a air inflated body to make it
> >look big and to scale for the large coke bottle
> >engine.
> >
> >Find pictures on the web searching on
> >Hydrorockets Monster Rocket by hasbro.
> >
> >And if that doesnt amaze you, just search on the
> >general subect of water rockets, and they have
> >come a LONG way since I was a kid.  You can
> >find the record is 1200 feet.  (You wrap kevlar
> >around the coke bottle and presurize it to 1000 PSI.
> >
> >Or a japanese video of the FIRST HUMAN flight
> >on a water rocket.  This guy strapped 4 water cooler
> >jugs to his back and it flew him off a pier, about
> >100 feet and a few flips into the water...
> >
> >Wow, kids these days have it all!
> >
> >Bob, WB4APR
> >
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> >
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