[BLT] BLT Integration Meeting!!

MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU] Andrew.MacAllister@EmersonProcess.com
Tue, 27 Jul 2004 09:59:32 -0500

Don't forget that the BLT-20 Integration Meeting is scheduled for 8 PM
Wednesday, July 28th, at the Secret BLT Lab (310 Lombardy) in Sugar Land.
This is the Integration Meeting.  We need to put the pieces together and run
them.  We will be testing for interaction problems among the various
payloads and weighing the total package(s).  All primary payloads must be
present, working and ready for flight, prior to the meeting.  Any
non-primary payloads that are not ready will be addressed.  Flight support
folks that cannot attend should forward their readiness reports to me,
otherwise attend and report in person.  Only a few weeks until flight!
To The Edge of Space!
Andy W5ACM

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