[HATS] Bootleggers

TOMSMB@aol.com TOMSMB@aol.com
Fri, 9 Feb 2001 12:25:20 EST

If you are as concerned as I am about the growing number of manufacturers and 
dealers selling unlicensed and non-FCC compliant video surveillance and 
digital transmitters on frequencies in our ham bands for use by anyone, the 
FCC now has an email address that you can report these people to - see below. 
 More and more these transmitters show up in Electronic Hobby, Security, TV 
and Movie production magazines, and on the Internet.  If they are not 
stopped, our bands could be taken over by them and instead of enjoying our 
hobby we would either have to put up with the interference or waste a lot of 
time trying to find the transmitter and talking the user out of transmitting. 
 Here in the LA area we occasionally get surveillance video transmitters 
opening up our repeaters or causing interference to other modes.  Last time 
it took the FCC about 6 months to find them and shut them down.  It would be 
better to stop this at the source.  Most illegal users are fooled into 
thinking what they are doing is license free by the sellers.

                           WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554


The Federal Communications Commission receives hundreds of complaints about
alleged illegal equipment being offered for sale on the Internet or in
publications. The Commission is monitoring this situation carefully and
request your assistance.  If you have information about illegal or uncertified
equipment being offered for sale, the FCC will need the following information:

 * An original advertisement or web address where the illegal equipment is
   being advertised or offered for sale.

 * If it is a web-auction we will need the name of the auction site, the
   exact item number, and auction opening and closing dates.

 * Name and address of the individual or business offering the item(s) for

 * Consumer's name and telephone number in the event follow-up is necessary.  
 Consumer information can remain anonymous, if requested

 * Specifically, WHY you think the equipment is not in compliance with FCC

 * Number of pieces or types of equipment about which the allegations are
   being made (one piece, 5 pieces, how many models etc.).

Information can be e-mailed to FCCINFO@fcc.gov

or mailed to:

                    Federal Communications Commission
                    Consumer Information Bureau 
                    Consumer Complaints
                    445 12th Street SW
                    Washington, DC  20554
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