[HATS] Aww, C'mon guys

Ron L. Sparks rls@sparkles.com
Wed, 7 Mar 2001 21:09:54 -0600

Okay, another pronouncement of a "dead" band and mode.  I am not
picking on Bill, he is just trying to find interest for our surplus.
But his mail will spark concern.  So, let me put some fears to rest:

2.4 GHz FM is not dead!
70 cm AM output is not dead!
2.4 GHz AM is not wounded and dying!
1.2 GHz FM transmitters are not obsolete!
900 MHz is not dead!

All of the above stuff is in various states of progress.  If you want
it to die, then it will.  But unless we have people come to a meeting
and tell us to kill some of the above then it will continue at the
maximum pace allowable within the time constraints of the same four or
five people who work on any of our projects.

Here are some things that may not have much life in them, so feel free
to ragchew about their demise or reincarnation if you want to.

=>  900 MHz as a primary input is unlikely due to the noise floor and
the 60 watt EIRP that EZ-tag puts out.  NOTE:  900 is still useful for
links between repeaters and from camera to car.  If you don't want
your 900 stuff, donate it to the club.

=> 70 cm as a primary input is unlikely due to band crowding.  So use
your 70cm transmitters for rocket, plane, kite, balloon links.  It is
not dead though.  If you don't want your 70 cm ATV transmitters,
donate them to the club.

=> 1.2 AM as a primary input is unlikely since nearly all members are
using FM there and most already have equipment.  If you have 1.2 GHz
AM equipment you don't want, donate it to the club.

=> 1.265 GHz FM as a primary input is not a good choice because of
approach radar.  We need to discuss at the next meeting.  Please come.
This will not obsolete any equipment, just mean you have to go to the
web page and get the new switch settings.

=> 2.4 AM is an experimental program and is !!! FREE !!! to members.
If you want a great P5 signal, then YOU are going to have to work for
it.  We have Elmers who will gladly help you.

I hope this clears things up for everybody.

Hope to see you there next week since this is your reminder to all
that the Houston ATV Society (HATS) will hold its regularly scheduled
meeting this Wed. (14th March).  As always, an informal "chill out"
gathering will be held about 5:30pm at Mama's Cafe on Westheimer
before the 7:00pm meeting in the Fujitsu offices on the 9th floor
(suite 910) of the Coastal Bank white hi-rise on the NE corner of
Bering and Westheimer (across from James Coney Island).

Ron, AG5RS

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