Gene Harlan atvq@hampubs.com
Mon, 3 Sep 2001 19:06:20 -0500

It is time to start thinking about the Fall issue of ATVQ. Put together your
thoughts for articles, and send me an email so I know what will be coming.

I would like to start some regular columns on different subjects as has been
suggested by readers. If you would like to be a regular contributor, let's
talk. A regular column does not have to be long, just "regular", and
interesting of course. Only four (4) issues and deadlines a year, so not too
bad. This is a good way to be more involved in the ATV community.

The deadline for Fall is October 1st.

Thanks to all that have supported ATVQ with articles in the past.

Gene Harlan - WB9MMM
Harlan Technologies - publishers of:
Amateur Television Quarterly
OSCAR Satellite Report

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