[HATS] I link for your PC to the HATS repeater

Kd5inm@aol.com Kd5inm@aol.com
Wed, 28 Aug 2002 20:32:16 EDT

> Ilink works pretty well, but the Echolink software is many times better.
> A much smoother interface, and with 3 different functions inside the same
> software, instead of 3 separate packages for Ilink, with multiple
> registrations.
> The 3 options are, User, Link or Repeater system, or Conference system.  
> And
> you can combine the Link option with the Conference system, to allow
> multiple users to connect to your repeater system at a time. As well as
> multiple repeater systems.
> We have had this on the Compaq/HP repeater 444.45 here in Houston for
> several months, #4481 and it works very well.
> www.echolink.org for those interested. These packages do not have the Video
> capability that the Internet Phone software has for linking your ATV video
> in as well, but it's very nice for audio. Especially for those of us that
> travel from time to time.
> I am also a paid member of the Ilink software as well, but have chosen to
> use the FREE Echolink software instead.
> 73,
> Walter/K5WH
> -----Original Message-----
> From:     hats-bounce@tony.stevens.com 
> [mailto:hats-bounce@tony.stevens.com]
> On Behalf Of EK
> Sent:    Wednesday, August 28, 2002 10:59 AM
> To:    hats@stevens.com
> Subject:    [HATS] I link for your PC to the HATS repeater
> Hi, all at Hats;
> What do you think about seting up an I-link from your PC to the HATS
> repeater for the people that are to for out. Ofcorse it would need a
> password for the members only.
> Ed Kerls
> ( ke5rls )
    If you are interested in linking through the internet, you've heard of 
Ilink and Echolink and IRLP. There is also a list/idea called ITVLP, Internet 
TV Linking Project for the discussion and creation of a system to link ATV 
and SSTV repeaters through the internet like IRLP and Echolink/iLink.
  <A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ITVLP/">Yahoo! Groups : ITVLP</A>     http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ITVLP/

    Check out the ITVLP email list.

                    73' John Hamilton KD5INM

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