[HQRP] Arkiecon 2001, Ft. Smith, AR

Ed Manuel (N5EM) n5em@flash.net
Fri, 12 Jan 2001 12:24:50 -0600

OK, HQRPers,

I'm made the quick decision to reserve four (4) rooms for Arkiecon for the 
Houston contingent.

Website for Arkiecon

Webpage for GuestHouse Inn

I have reserved four (4) rooms with two beds in each room for the first 
eight (8) QRPers from Houston going to Arkansas.  We can put more in the 
room if you want to reserve a floor :-) afte rthe 8 spots with beds are gone.

Price of the room is $93.50 complete with taxes for TWO nights (42.07 
rate).  So, for two to the room, your cost for TWO nights will be 
$46.75.  What a deal.  Rooms are reserved in my name on my credit card.

Festivities on Friday and Saturday night.  Checkout on Sunday morning.

Ed Manuel, N5EM
Houston QRP Club

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