[HQRP] Re: ARRL Handbook ???

Andrew MacAllister AMACALLI@danielind.com
Wed, 17 Jan 2001 10:44:08 -0600


I went by B & N (Hiway 6 & Westheimer) and HUNTED.  All I could find was
ONE 1999 Handbook (paperback and slightly dogeared) at 50% off.  I was
prepared to buy a STACK of 2001 books if they had been there at $8 each.

Andy W5ACM

-----Original Message-----
From: rhiller@SYSDEV.COM [mailto:rhiller@SYSDEV.COM]
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 10:35 AM
To: hqrp@stevens.com
Subject: [HQRP] ARRL Handbook ???

Was KK5NU smokin funny stuff yesterday?

Cause on the ARRL Handbook issue, I checked Borders (it wasn't even listed 
in their database at 3 stores) and Barnes and Noble (It was $32).....I 
wouldn't buy it for that (my main compliaint with ARRL) but I would buy it 
for $8......where was that again, John?

Thanks and regards....Rick....W5RH

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