Mark Janzer mjanzer@wsbc.com
Mon, 22 Jan 2001 08:58:56 -0600

Some that were at the club meeting on Saturday saw the SMK-1 that I was 
trying to complete.

Late Saturday night, after my honey dews,  I finished adding the connectors 
and fashioned the rest of the case.
I plugged it in, with a dummy load attached, at first.  No smoke or hot 

Then I attached it to my dipole, added the earphones and tried again.  No 
I hesitated a moment and turned up the volume and neato!, CW was faintly 

Once I peaked the trim capacitors, I had to keep the volume fairly low due 
to the pile-up that was coming through.

This little thing is just awesome!

The only thing I would do different, is to have used silver solder for 
neater solder connections. The 60/40 solder I used left "larger" dollops 
(larger relative to the tiny SM components), though the solder connections 
are OK.

Mark (K5MGJ)
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