[HQRP] FW-Message from Tom Blackwell

Glen Reid k5fx@flash.net
Mon, 19 Feb 2001 19:03:27 -0600

For those of you who have not seen it, here is a very comprehensive
message on HB 1148 and HB1492 from Tom Blackwell the ARRL State
Government Liaison for North Texas Section.  It is full of good email
addresses and phone numbers.

In spite of the information posted on the ARRL Web Page there is no
reason to think these bills have exempted amateur radio, it may happen,
but it hasn't happened yet.

It is no time to stop the emails and letters.

Thanks for your help.


david johnson wrote:
> --- TOM BLACKWELL <radio@airmail.net> wrote:
> > To: YOU and a few others <radio@airmail.net>
> > Subject: Texas Legislation impacting ham radio -
> > what can be done now
> >
> > There has been some communication by amateurs with
> > the offices of Texas House
> > Members who have filed Bills concerning antennas.
> > Some of us have been told,
> > verbally, that the authors of the bills intend to
> > exempt amateurs.  We will know
> > the result of this when changes in these Bills are
> > either filed (or not filed)
> > in the public record.   This has not been done, to
> > date, with either HB 1148
> > (Cook) or HB 1492 (Hardcastle).
> >
> > HB 1148, providing new County regulation of
> > "wireless communication facilities"
> > (in addition to municipal zoning) has been referred
> > to the County Affairs
> > Committee.  Here is the URL:
> >
> >
> > http://www.house.state.tx.us/house/commit/c210.htm
> >
> > The Chair is Tom Ramsey, D-Mount Vernon.  Here is
> > his web page:
> >
> >
> > http://www.house.state.tx.us/house/dist2/dist2.htm
> >
> > Chairman Ramsey's Committee office can be reached at
> > (512) 463-0760.  His
> > Capitol office is at (512) 463-0680.
> >
> > It would be appropriate to contact Chairman Ramsey
> > with a message that you want
> > to be notified of the time and place of any hearing
> > that he may schedule on this
> > Bill, so you may be personally present to testify.
> > Explain that the Bill, as it
> > is now drafted, would have "unintended
> > consequences," and be contrary to the
> > position adopted by the Legislature in 1999, as well
> > as the Federal Law
> > (PRB-1).  As we understand that a resolution of the
> > problems may be proceeding,
> > ask him not to schedule any hearing until the matter
> > is resolved and filed in
> > the public record.  Also let him know of our
> > willingness to work out these
> > problems, and to meet with those who brought
> > concerns about antennas to the
> > attention of Rep. Cook, if they are in contact with
> > us.  We will let Chairman
> > Ramsey know if a resolution of the concerns with
> > this bill has been worked out.
> >
> >
> >
> >                                       - - -
> >
> > HB 1492, Rep. Hardcastle's Bill to require lighting,
> > marking, painting and
> > compliance with "visibility requirements" for
> > antennas as low as 50 feet in
> > height, has been referred to the Transportation
> > Committee.  Here is the URL:
> >
> >
> > http://www.house.state.tx.us/house/commit/c470.htm
> >
> > The Chair is Rep. Clyde Alexander, D-Athens.  Here
> > is his web page:
> >
> >
> > http://www.house.state.tx.us/house/dist12/dist12.htm
> >
> > Chairman Alexander's Committee office can be reached
> > at (512) 463-0818.  His
> > Capitol office is at (512) 463-0730.
> >
> > As with the other Bill, it would be appropriate to
> > contact Chairman Alexander
> > with a message that you want to be notified of the
> > time and place of any hearing
> > that he may schedule on this Bill, so you may be
> > personally present to testify.
> > Explain that the Bill, as it is now drafted, would
> > have "unintended
> > consequences."   This matter of tower lighting and
> > marking is regulated by
> > Federal Law, and has been the result of lengthy
> > deliberation and consideration
> > at the Federal level.  We would not support
> > additional State regulations in this
> > area, that are not imposed on citizens of other
> > states.  We also do not need
> > special requirements for antennas that are not
> > imposed on other various other
> > structures that are also 50 feet in height.  Let him
> > know of our willingness to
> > work out these problems with this Bill, and to meet
> > with those who brought
> > concerns about antennas to the attention of Rep.
> > Hardcastle, if they are in
> > contact with us.  As efforts to work out the
> > problems with this Bill are
> > pending, ask him not to schedule a hearing until a
> > resolution is worked out and
> > filed in the public record.  We will let Chairman
> > Alexander know if this has
> > been done.
> >
> > Here is the web page of the author of this Bill,
> > Rep. Rick Hardcastle, R-Vernon:
> >
> >
> > http://www.house.state.tx.us/house/dist68/dist68.htm
> >
> > He is at (512) 463-0526.
> >
> > Here are the web pages of the joint authors of this
> > Bill:
> >
> >
> > Jim Keffer, R-Eastland, (512) 463-0656, Room E 1.424
> >
> >
> > http://www.house.state.tx.us/house/dist60/dist60.htm
> >
> > Allan Ritter, D-Nederland, (512) 463-0706, Room
> > E2.316
> >
> >
> > http://www.house.state.tx.us/house/dist21/dist21.htm
> >
> > Joe Deshotel, D-Beaumont, (512) 463-0662, Room
> > E2.802
> >
> >
> > http://www.house.state.tx.us/house/dist22/dist22.htm
> >
> > Robby Cook, D-Eagle Lake, (512) 463-0682, Room
> > E2.504
> >
> >
> > http://www.house.state.tx.us/house/dist28/dist28.htm
> >
> >
> > I believe if we show that a number of people might
> > travel to Austin to testify
> > at the hearings on these Bills, to demonstrate the
> > problems with them, they will
> > either not proceed in the legislative process any
> > further, or there will be
> > changes, filed in the public record, that we can
> > support.  Frankly, I don't
> > believe that either one of these Bills will pass, in
> > the end - - but we have to
> > make that happen.  They both represent bad ideas,
> > and appear to be from people
> > who do not understand our technology, the existing
> > Federal regulations, or the
> > 'unintended consequences.'  I would also expect that
> > the owners of cellular
> > telephone facilities will also want to be heard on
> > these matters.  Keep in mind
> > that if either of these Bills did become law, it
> > would open the door for
> > thoughts about regulating our amateur antennas in
> > the future.  It is best that
> > we not open that door.  In Texas, there's 1000 ways
> > to kill a Bill, but only one
> > way to pass one.
> >
> >                           Here's the background,
> > again.
> >
> > Click here for a copy of HB 1148:
> >
> http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/tlo/77r/billtext/HB01148I.HTM
> >
> > Click here for a copy of HB 1492:
> >
> http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/tlo/77r/billtext/HB01492I.HTM
> >
> > ARRL members:  Here is the URL for the article on
> > the 1999 Bill, by Karl
> > Silverman, President of the Johnson Space Center
> > Amateur Radio Club.
> >
> >
> >
> http://www.arrl.org/members-only/extra/features/1999/0601/4/
> >
> >
> > A further update:  On speaking with Rep.
> > Hardcastle's office today, I was told
> > it is their intent to exclude amateurs.  They say
> > their Bill is on account of
> > aircraft accidents involving cell towers in rural
> > communities, and that they
> > filed the Bill for the "Spray Pilot Association."  I
> > told them about the 1999
> > Bill, and how we thought this had resolved the issue
> > of amateur antennas.  I
> > told them that my cousin, George Abell, built the
> > Permian Basin Petroleum Museum
> > in Midland, and has an exhibit there demonstrating
> > the inspection of oil
> > pipelines by aircraft.  I also told them it is my
> > belief that both FAA
> > regulations and FCC regulations are in place, after
> > careful deliberation, to
> > deal with this issue.  I believe this is a Federal
> > matter, and that Texans
> > should not have any different requirements than what
> > is imposed on citizens of
> > other states.  I told them about a helicopter that
> > had come down in my
> > residential neighborhood, killing the pilot, but I
> > understood that this was
> > because an existing Federal regulation was not
> > complied with.  They made the
> > comment that their 50 foot figure was "amendable"
> > and "a starting point."
> >
> > Rep. Hardcastle can be contacted at
> > rick.hardcastle@house.state.tx.us
> >
> > I'll continue to track this bill, and will continue
> > to keep you informed.
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> >          Regards, TOM BLACKWELL, PO Box 25403,
> > Dallas, Texas 75225
> >       radio@airmail.net  ICQ: 3690882
> > http://web2.airmail.net/radio
> >       Platform Committee: http://www.democrats.org
> >
> >
> __________________________________________________
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> ---
> Submissions txham@qth.net

...in the beautiful hill country of TEXAS...
Email:  k5fx@arrl.net

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