[HQRP] Fwd: QRP rigs for sale?

Ed Manuel (N5EM) n5em@flash.net
Thu, 15 Mar 2001 18:30:49 -0500

Anyone have a rig that Bruce can buy or maybe even lend for his trip?

Ed, N5EM

>Reply-To: <bbaskett@fsc.org>
>From: "Bruce Baskett" <bbaskett@fsc.org>
>To: <n5em@amsat.org>
>Subject: QRP rigs for sale?
>Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 18:06:44 -0600
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook CWS, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2911.0)
>Importance: Normal
>Hi, Ed!  Within a few weeks I will be going to Hawaii, and would like to 
>find a little QRP rig to take along.  Alas, I do not think I will have 
>time to build one.
>If you or any of your friends know of a *good* 20M rig for sale in 
>Houston,  e.g. Small Wonder, NorCal, Ohio... <$100, would you please give 
>me a call?
>TNX 73
>de K5BAB
>713 802 9032
>email at home (preferred to here) <mailto:bbaskett@io.com>bbaskett@io.com
>Bruce A. Baskett
>Manager of Program Evaluations
>Have you hugged your measurement today?
>Family Service Center, Houston, TX
>713 868 4466 (135)

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