[HQRP] 70 foot pine trees WORK!

K5BDZ@aol.com K5BDZ@aol.com
Sat, 24 Mar 2001 20:16:20 EST

Well, it's taken me a long time (2 months) to throw a wire up into the 70 
pines here.  First casting rod cast went over a branch about 45 to 50 feet 
high, and as the little 11 year old neighbor boy watched through binoculars 
and guided my "pull" my other new neighbors came out wondering what I was 
doing, I told them "catching flying fish".  They were really curious so I 
decided 45-50 feet was high enough.  
Pulled it into my 2nd story window at about 12 feet (that hypotenuse equals 
about 50 feet, but I didn't measure it) and ran a 30 foot or so counterpoise 
about 8 feet off ground along side the house in opposite direction.  So 
what's that?  80- or so foot off-center fed non-reasonate zep?  Both wire 
ends run in under screen into window and directly to tuner.  No feed line.

Loaded both wires into a Z11 auto tuner and my little SGC2020 set for 1 watt 
output works well.  All bands!  In fact on 40 SSB, a bunch about 100 miles 
east of here (45 degrees off N-S plane of wire) was comparing linear amps and 
I broke in asking how my amp was doing, to which they answered "as good as 
Ben's SB200".  After I got sig reports from all, I told them I was running 
only 1 watt.  'Course they didn't believe me, but I signed out and they 
talked about it for another hour.

Anyway, the "Lazy-Boy" wire antenna works.  The neighbors think I caught a 
real flying fish.  The little 11 year old next door wants me to teach him how 
to build a radio (we'll start with simple regen) and I'm having fun again.
Bill K5BDZ
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