[HQRP] Re: TIC Keyer

Dale L Martin kg5u@hal-pc.org
Sun, 1 Apr 2001 20:34:38 -0500

> I had a friend ask where to get one..
> Can't seem to remember ..
> Mark

I have found that just about any question I have about where something is or
what it is can be found by going to www.yahoo.com and typing in a keyword or
two.  "TIC KEYER" keyword turns up about a half-dozen hits or so.  You might
also check out Whiterook TICK keyers with/without paddles,

If you have a recent ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs, there's a
construction article for a TICK keyer on a 1x1.2" board.  Should cost about
half what Whiterook wants.

dale, kg5u

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