[HQRP] Re: Tek 547 Scope to good home

ted kell tedkell@ev1.net
Sun, 06 May 2001 19:08:12 -0500


That is an antique!  Wait a few years and try the Antique Road Show.  Seriously, that was a fine 
scope in it's day, just a bit slow by todays standards.  You can get plugin's that do just about anything 
If all else fails, take it to Hamcomm and sell it on the qrp table.  Somebody will buy it.  I have a better 
scope or I would be interested.  Think about the scopes you have seen sold at the junksales (err, 
hamfests) and compare to this unit.  It's a TEKTRONIX!  Don't throw it away, somebody will want it.
Try eBay, people buy _anything_ there.


5/5/01 11:36:30 AM, "Ed Manuel (N5EM)" <n5em@FLASH.NET> wrote:

>Anyone within driving range of Houston who wants a Tek 547 (think I got 
>that right) I have one that MUST go.
>This is BIG.  Tube type, complete with scope cart!  Works.  If you are 
>serious, I can take a digital photo for you.  Got something YOU don't need 
>to trade?  QRP related, of course.
>But, its got to go.  I hate to put it out to the trash . . . .
>Ed, N5EM
>Houston, Texas
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