[HQRP] Flood & Testing

J. Greer jlgreer1@excite.com
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 17:41:47 -0700 (PDT)

I hope eveyone is doing well after terrible "Alicia". 

We were very lucky. Our apartment must be on a hill. We had water in every
direction. We were unable to leave but we stayed high and dry. The phone
went in and out several times, including both cell phones. But my amateur
radio was there if necessary. I monitored an emergency net on 443.825. I'm
not functional on HF. High power lines only a few feet from the only
available windows makes any kind of antenna unsafe. Besides, the complex
specifically prohibits ANY kind of transmitter or antenna. 

We had intended to attend Ham-Com in Dallas this weekend. We were scheduled
to leave at 0400 Saturday morning. Our plans changed. :(

My 14 year old daughter has been studying for the Technician test off and on
for a year or so. She has been studying diligently during the summer break
and would surely have passed the exam at Ham-Com. (Average 90% on practice

Does anyone have a schedule of upcoming exam sessions here in Houston?

I would like for her to take the test while the iron is hot.

I hope eveyone is safe and dry.

73, Jeff WD4ET

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