[HQRP] HQRP Meeting location

Janzer, Mark MJanzer@arcadis-us.com
Wed, 18 Jul 2001 14:50:32 -0600

Lee, of the Arboretum, has been most generous in providing a place
(Classroom "D") at the Arboretum, this Saturday from 9 am until 11 am, for
this month's meeting.  Thank You Lee!

If one of the Arboretum monitoring program participants is available, I've
invited them to stop by and both introduce who they are and see what we are
(so, QRPers, please shower and comb your hair).

Ed, you are missing out. I thought QRP was more important than working on

If somebody could bring a piece of equipment (FT-817 with PSK31 for example
or a 2N2/40 work-in-progress...), to demonstrate what QRP is, would be
great. Just in case somebody from the center pops their head in.

A link to their webpage, with a link to a map:

Mark, K5MGJ
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