[HQRP] Re: Asking for advice

Dale L Martin kg5u@hal-pc.org
Sun, 2 Dec 2001 22:55:20 -0600


I bought one used some months back and have it opened on the work
bench...nothing wrong with it, just wanted to look inside...there's room for
adding stuff in there!

>From looking at it, I would say the parts count is on the order of about
150.  Resistors are the 1/8-watt variety.  The toroid coils are pretty
easily wound.

I have heard that Ten-Tec's documentation for their kits is very good--on a
par with or better than Heathkit's assembly instructions were--and I built
about a dozen kits of theirs with no problems.

You will need a needle-tip soldering iron and use some 1/64" or 1/32"
diameter solder.  A blade soldering iron tip is likely too large.  I also
recommend a bright work lamp and a good magnifying glass or lamp/magnifier.

I don't think I'm going to be taking this one backpacking, though.  It
weighs in at about 1-1.5 lbs.

I say "Go for it!"

dale, kg5u

> -----Original Message-----
> From: hqrp-bounce@tony.stevens.com
> [mailto:hqrp-bounce@tony.stevens.com]On Behalf Of Mark Fields
> Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 19:20
> To: hqrp@stevens.com
> Subject: [HQRP] Asking for advice
>      Has anyone ever built any of the Ten-Tec 1300 series QRP
> transceiver kits? If so, how easy or difficult were they to build?  I'm
> considering buying one--so far, I have built several fairly simple kits
> and
> wouldn't want to get into something that turned out to be over my head.
> Thanks.
>                                                     73, Mark, KE5MY
>                                                     ARRL grid EL29fp
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