[HQRP] JunkBox Antenna Baluns vs Chokes

K5BDZ@aol.com K5BDZ@aol.com
Fri, 28 Dec 2001 09:14:39 EST

I'm a "shade tree" antenna builder -        Defined:  I'm not an expert, but 
I just build from the junk box and install however it fits...plug it in and 
try it.

The coax "coffee can" balun (1:1) I think of as a simple (but very effective) 
choke...to keep RF off the coax shield...but (simply stated) it works the 
same as a balun because it keeps RF from coming down the coax shield and 
"unbalancing" the antenna.  Simple for coax feeds and probably more efficient 
than a ferrite or air wound balun, and it will work very well on dipoles, 
beams, verticals, and other antenna types.

Although I have a drawer full of new ferrite rods (short but can be glued 
together to work well when length is required) I am also building various 
antenna baluns on old AM radio ferrite rod antenna cores (after removing the 
antenna wire, natch.)  Will soon compare those vs the new ferrite core baluns 
vs air core baluns wound on PVC of various diameters.  Impedence ratios will 
vary with needs, from 1:1 to 2:1, 3:1, 4:1; 6:1 and 9:1. Will report findings.

Antennas fed will be wire antennas of all types from vertical to horizontal, 
but usually will be off-center fed with 300 ohm & 450 ohm feedline, zip cord, 
and coax.  Will also have a couple of loop antennas.

These I will also compare with off-center fed antennas with no feed lines, 
but terminating the antenna wires directly into an L-network.  To date, this 
specific antenna (70' at south end running north to 10 feet at north end) has 
produced 5x9 SSB 20 meter signals into VK land from Houston, TX. (no I didn't 
tell you how long it is because I don't know...I just threw wire up into a 
tall pine tree, ran it over to the window and cut if off.  Same with the 
lower end of the antenna.  Have no idea the length...only the wonderful 

However, I WILL measure all test antennas and report all statistics, lengths, 
heights, directions, etc.

I'm also planning to do some "quick and easy" PVC housings for each of the 
baluns, with intent to share various articles with a couple of QRP mags if 
they're interested.

I AM OPEN TO ALL SUGGESTIONS and past experiences.  The main goal is to 
encourage the simple and cost efficient building one's own antenna and all 
its parts, and to learn from personal experiences rather than books.

Bill K5BDZ

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