[HQRP] Re: Antenna question from WB4WHH ....

K5BDZ@aol.com K5BDZ@aol.com
Fri, 28 Dec 2001 10:20:59 EST

Thanks for the note.  Well a "1:1 Coffee Can Balun" that I'm familiar with is 
simple.  Just take the feedline coax antenna end, start about 6" from the end 
(or if your antenna requires more, take what you need) and start coiling the 
coax around a coffee can (or 4" to 6" diameter coil) for about 6 or 8 turns - 
for 20 thru 10 meters, and more for 80 / 40 / 30  meters - -then remove the 
can.  Then wrap the coil in two or three areas with tape to hold loop 
together, and the remaining unwrapped coax is your feedline into the rig.  
You can tape or tiewrap the coil to the boom, mast, etc or let hang free.  
Don't cut coax after the coil or otherwise disturb the remaining coax - just 
bring it into your shack and connect.

The 4:1 "coffee can" balun is a little more involved and requires two pieces 
of coax and soldering etc.  Won't go into it here as it's best described with 
pictures for simplicity sake.  But will cover it in my later notes too...and 
the pix will be submitted to a QRP mag for reprinting.

Bill K5BDZ
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