[HQRP] Re: FW: Poor ground design causes VFO pulling in transmit

K5BDZ@aol.com K5BDZ@aol.com
Tue, 1 Jan 2002 18:06:27 EST

In a message dated 01/01/2002 12:21:37 PM Central Standard Time, 
pbyers@rttinc.com writes:

> Hi all,
>  The W7EL xcvr is a classic IMHO. The article "An Optimized QRP Transceiver
>  for 7 MHz" is still available from the ARRL Web site at
>  http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/qrpprojs.html As well, many of Roy Llewallen's
>  and Wes Hayward's ideas for direct conversion receivers are on Todd Gale's
>  excellent site at http://www.qrp.pops.net/. It's well worth a look.
>  FWIW, it's my understanding that the Tejas Backpacker and the OHR Sprint
>  were also variations of the W7EL design. I'll leave it to others to confirm
>  this.
>  73,
>  Pat Byers VE6AAN

Thanks remembering the Tejas RF Backpacker transceivers.  Yes, the basic 
Backpacker receiver design was based on the W7EL core unit.  Hard to improve 
on the basic W7EL although various bells and whistles were added, including 
the VFO with HFO, and additional audio filters, etc.
I have all of the above still operational and on the shelf to use "at 
72 es 73
Bill K5BDZ
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