[HQRP] Re: [GQRP] Note from Miracle Antenna...
Thu, 7 Mar 2002 06:20:28 EST
Robert and group
I must admit laughing at the thread(s) concerning the pricing of this and
other ham products. Having built two manufacturing firms (one sold) as well
as a communications company, I can attest to the costs of bringing a quality
product to market.
I also remember a ham radio "garage sale" - local expression meaning we
collect all unwanted household items in our garage, put up "garage sale"
signs in the area, and sell all...usually very CHEAP.
A fellow ham and I had a ham radio garage sale in which he had a large box of
aluminum panels and chassis, with a sign "FREE" on the box. After 2 hours no
ham had even looked through the box. My friend was perplexed that no
"frugal" hams would take a free item. I explained "free" is not what hams
want...they want a "good deal" or a "Steal!"...so he put a new sign reading
"$.10 each"... and within 5 minutes some ham offered him $10.00 for the whole
Ahhh .... the many reasons and means to part a ham from his money!
To all clubs, small companies, and individuals who provide we hams with
quality products, a Hearty THANKS! for all your persistance and patience!
Where would we be without all of you?
Bill K5BDZ
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