[HQRP] Arkiecon Trip - Update

Ed Manuel emanuel@datacomdesign.com
Sat, 16 Mar 2002 08:47:11 -0600


The following have said that they are planning to go to Arkiecon - the Ft. 
Smith Hamfest.

The Janzer Bus - Departure Friday afternoon??

Mark Janzer
Judy Janzer
Catherine Janzer

Others leaving Friday Morning

Craig Davidson
Ted Kell
George Pierce
Ed Manuel
John Moore

If you want to go and need a ride - speak up so we can make plans.  There 
are four rooms reserved for the group - Craig has his own reserved.  So, 
room for the Janzers in one, and three rooms left for 6 intrepid 
QRPers.  We'll start deciding on cars shortly.  Costs for the room will be 
about $50 per person plus your expenses for 3 days and some gas 
money.  Cheap as conventions go!

In case you have been off-world for the last month, featured speakers 
include George Dobbs, Tony Fishpool, Grahm Firth, Roy Lewallen (EZNEC) with 
Doug Hendricks as the Master of Ceremonies.

Hey, what about our new QQ Editor?  Don't you all think he should put in an 
appearance at this major QRP fest :-)

Three weeks to go.

Ed, N5EM

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