[HQRP] Re: Interesting Radio Wave Absorption Material Article
Ron L. Sparks
Fri, 28 Jun 2002 21:42:28 -0500
Sadly all must suffer because a few have bad manners. I spent many years on
24hr call and could not have ever gone to a movie or public place if they
had had jammers. Not once during those years did I ever bother anyone. By
putting the pager on vibrate and leaving the restaurant/movie to return the
call I eliminated any problems by being considerate.
Loss of everyone's privileges because of a few inconsiderate ones is, in my
opinion, a regrettable trend. Besides, it won't solve the problem. The
inconsiderate will still find a way to annoy others.
Oh well, off my soap box now.
Ron, AG5RS
> -----Original Message-----
> From: hqrp-bounce@tony.stevens.com
> [mailto:hqrp-bounce@tony.stevens.com]On Behalf Of Dale L Martin
> Sent: Friday, June 28, 2002 6:37 PM
> To: hqrp@stevens.com
> Subject: [HQRP] Re: Interesting Radio Wave Absorption Material Article
> I'm all for it if it stops the bozo's pagers and cell phones in
> theaters and
> restaurants. I'm so sick of hearing someone's phone go off during a
> movie....even more so when they answer it and carry on a conversation. I
> tell the theater manager each time it happens. I'm sure he's sick of me,
> but I'll keep doing it. I'll even tell him about the magnetic wood.
> 73,
> dale, kg5u
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