[HQRP] Fwd: DDS Conundrum

Ted Kell tedkell@ev1.net
Thu, 04 Jul 2002 22:24:33 -0500

This may be a bit much for us, but the offer is there....


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From:   "Trevor Jacobs" <kg6cyn@earthlink.net>
To:     "Low Power Amateur Radio Discussion" <qrp-l@Lehigh.EDU>
Reply-To: kg6cyn@earthlink.net
Subject: DDS Conundrum
Date: 7/3/02 7:16:41 PM

Hi Gang,

A lot of people have been e-mailing me asking about the price and
availability of the DDS Signal Generator. Well folk, the bottom line is that
I have neither the time or money to put into manufacturing kits. This is my
hobby after all, and I think I'd end up hating it after a while if I were to
start doing kits. My work load is already 60+ hours a week, so I'm sure you

Now, here's what I propose. I have 2 ideas:

#1 - One of the clubs out there could use this as a club kit with all
proceeds going to benefit the Club and the QRP/Ham Radio Community. I've
already mentioned this to a couple of you. If there is a club interested in
kitting this, then please contact me. All of the design work is finished and
the Proto works great.

#2 - The other idea that I had was that maybe one of the kit companies out
there would like to kit this up and sell it. If so please contact me

So there you have it folks. This is not a cheap kit. Parts alone run about
$75.00. The PCB will have to be quoted in quantity also. Anyway, for those
brave souls that wish to home brew one, every piece of info that you need is
on the web now at my site (including a full parts list with Mouser & Digikey
part numbers and the firmware). Take care...

73's Trev KG6CYN

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