[HQRP] Re: July Meeting

Craig Davidson craig281@earthlink.net
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 20:22:34 -0500

If this weekend is that much trouble how about the 27th?

-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Manuel <emanuel@datacomdesign.com>
To: hqrp@stevens.com <hqrp@stevens.com>
Date: Thursday, July 11, 2002 4:46 PM
Subject: [HQRP] July Meeting

>John is working on finding a place to meet this coming Saturday.  He will
>communicate with us tomorrow with what he finds.
>Howard is being "riffed" from his job and that spot isn't available
>anymore.  The Arboretum is booked for the summer.
>If Howard can't find anyplace, failing another suggestion, I move that we
>take July off as a summer vacation.  Those who go to Texas City will see
>each other there anyway.
>Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.
>Ed, N5EM
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