[HQRP] Fwd: Fw: [AQRP] The Antenna and Low Power, (QRP) Forum of Austin ham convention Aug. 3 Program

Ed Manuel emanuel@datacomdesign.com
Thu, 25 Jul 2002 15:17:03 -0500

>Delivered-To: directvinternet.com%edmanuel@directvinternet.com
>X-Received: 25 Jul 2002 20:13:12 GMT
>From: "Stuart Rohre" <rohre@arlut.utexas.edu>
>To: "Ed Manuel \(N5EM\)" <n5em@amsat.org>
>Subject: Fw: [AQRP] The Antenna and Low Power, (QRP) Forum of Austin ham 
>convention Aug. 3 Program
>Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 15:13:01 -0500
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4807.1700
>X-Virus-Scanned: by amavisd-milter (http://amavis.org/)
>Ed, could you please forward this to Houston QRP, they never let me post
>directly.  Thanks and 73,
>Stuart K5KVH
>We did 5A  with 3 loops at 20 feet each high, one 849 foot c, one 660 ft. c,
>and one 330 ft. c. for Field Day.  Also IDEZ, and triband dipole and triband
>beam, with assorted VHF beam and Ringo for 6m.  (A promised Sterba curtain
>for 6m did not appear) However, best score in 7 years, 5440 points.  Bands
>were disappointing Sat. afternoon, but got going after dark.  Only 33 Q's on
>10m this year, but first time in 20 years we got 21 Qs on SSB 80m.  Only had
>one CW op, and he had to share 20m radio with SSB.  He logged 40 Q's but I
>think he did more and lost them in scratch paper.  We did not have any
>logger to help him, all cw guys were out of town or something.  I MUST get a
>MFJ code reader, keyboard, and do CW next year!  The FD is stacked in favor
>of CW.  Digi is overplayed, we only worked 33 on PSK 31 20m Sat. night, and
>had worked 12 on 15m during the afternoon.  But ran down first battery in
>four hours, computers and large screen monitor needed to see screen in
>daylight pull too much battery juice!  TFT display is the only way to go, it
>even showed up in a photo someone took of the PSK position.
>72, Stuart K5KVH
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Stuart Rohre" <rohre@arlut.utexas.edu>
>To: <w5hs@arrl.net>
>Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 12:26 AM
>Subject: [AQRP] The Antenna and Low Power, (QRP) Forum of Austin ham
>convention Aug. 3 Program
> > The QRP Forum of Austin, TX, Summerfest, Aug. 3,  features a first!
> >
> > Since antennas are the key to a ham's success, and especially at QRP
> > of 5 watts CW, and 10 PEP SSB, (as defined by the QRP-Amateur Radio Club
> > International and many international QRP Clubs), this year we are planning
> > forum that can be called QRP and Antennas.
> >
> > Leading off will be long time QRP author, past Editor of QRP-ARCI
> > and internationally known QRPer, Fred Bonavita, K5QLF of San Antonio TX.
> > Fred's byline is often found these days in the G-QRP magazine, "Sprat".
> >
> > With a call like "K5QLF", (ask an old time CW operator what QLF means),
> > have to expect something different when Fred contributes to our forum.
> > Sometimes Fred is as hard to find as Kurt N. Sterba of World Radio fame,
> > it is a pleasure to welcome him again as a speaker, and Fred will offer:
> > "The lowly Doublet, or IS it?"
> >
> > Once we have learned about those basic of antennas, then we have a first
> > any Amateur Radio forum, ANYWHERE in the world.  We will learn about a new
> > development in antennas from The University of Texas Applied Research
> > from the inventor -Dr. Robert Rogers, KM5DR, of Austin.  Bob has worked
> > several students on a compact antenna for HF that will pass muster with
> > neighborhood association, because they will not be able to see it in your
> > yard.  The house and fence will conceal it.  It does this with good
> > efficiency, and makes it possible for anyone with a patio to have a 160m
> > antenna.  The antenna has been named "The Flex"  It is the Folded Helical
> > Conical antenna.  Its claim to fame is having quarterwave resonant
> > elements contained in a 0.1 wave length or smaller linear dimension.  The
> > secret to a small efficient antenna is in how you use three dimensions and
> > maximize the antenna in a small volume.  Come hear how Bob has done this.
> > ten meter version of this antenna underwent successful testing from ship
> > shore earlier this year.  If they won't let you put up a tall antenna,
> > this will get you on the air.
> >
> > Now if you don't have something to hook up to that antenna, our final
> > speaker will show you how to make a radio on a budget.  Ed Popp, K5BOT, of
> > Austin, built his Novice Transmitter from parts from an old TV.  He has
> > continued building from 1955 until today.  He has been in QRP since the
> > and served QRP-ARCI as both vice President and President.  Ed is also a
> > time QRP author and will speak on "No User Serviceable Parts."  Can't buy
> > rig?  No problem, you just have to know where to look and scrounge---
> >
> > And, we will have spec sheets on the new Ten Tec Argonaut V software
> > radio.  This rig can go down to QRP levels, or up to 20 watts output over
> > all the HF bands.  A new band can be added by downloading new programming
> > for a PROM.  Featuring DSP filtering, and built in interfacing to the new
> > sound card digital modes such as PSK 31, this promises to be an exciting
> > radio.  We wanted to show a prototype, but they are all on the air testing
> > for the start of production the end of August, (we hope.)
> >
> > But we do have door prizes courtesy of Austin QRP Club and Glen Reid,
> > and they include goodies such as a BLT tuner kit, The Warbler kit, ARRL
> > books, and G-QRP Club books. Thanks to all the fine Donors! QRPers are
> > to bring their favorite project to display in the forum.  AQRP will
> > a table in the swap meet again this year.
> >

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