[HQRP] Fwd: Austin SwapNet 8/11/02

Ed Manuel emanuel@datacomdesign.com
Wed, 14 Aug 2002 21:41:22 -0500


>Austin SwapNet 8/11/02 de N5MNW, ARO and AARC
>Wavefront Surfers,
>   We have another confirmation about the San Marcos Airshow on Nov=20
> 9th.  Bill
>Mewhorter, trustee for the W5CAF Midland Radio Club has indicated we may=
>the W5CAF callsign for the special event station.  This means we will need=
>few more volunteers to erect, staff and operate the station.  I will supply=
>10x20 canopy and tables.  We will have at least one MARS representative and
>will check in to any appropriate MARS nets during the day, maybe even pass
>traffic to/from in-service family members across the seas.
>   I have a list of around 25-30 volunteers so far.  If we get 40 or so, we
>can arrange AM-PM shifts for those who can only make a partial day.  Please
>email me at n5mnw@arrl.net if you would like to volunteer to help.  We
>will be assigned to various locations, officials, walking or in Golf Carts.
>   AARC's 2nd Tuesday Aug 13 presentation will be on the recent W1AW/5
>stations activity.  Bob KK5MI will show a video and Robert K5PI will
>provide narration and answer questions.  The group also formally
>presented at Summerfest.
>   2nd ANNUAL KATY SWAPMEET - 14 SEPT 2002 - SUNRISE ( 6:58AM !! )
>To promote increased awareness and collaboration, we're especially
>looking for club, specialty and ARES/emergency communication tables!
>http://www.omnilaw.com/karsradio Chuck, K5GU (k5cfe@flash.net)
>   Amateur Radio Operators N5SYZ (Ron) & KD5CLU (Josie) request for all
>hams to be on the look out for Josie's car.
>1997 Lincoln Towncar Powder Blue in color License Plate KD5CLU.
>Ham equipment in and on the car as follows:
>Kenwood TM742A Radio S/N 20900010, 3-4 Antennas on the trunk
>The vehicle was stolen Aug 9, 2002 between the hours of 3:30 & 4:00.
>(Do not know if it was AM or PM.) Please call the Police with information
>before you call Ron & Josie.
>We certainly hope it is not on the chopping block. And we hope the radio
>does not fall into the wrong hands.
>Thanks for your help. Jeanne K5JZX & BB K5HDG
>   The next Mon-Wed evening class will be a Technician (Entry-level) Class,
>running Sept 9-25th 6-9PM.  Lori is taking registrations for classes.
>Cost is $30 and includes the ARRL "Now You're Talking" book, handouts
>and room fees.  If you know someone who'd like to join our Radio Amateur
>ranks, Have them soon give us a call at 255-6753 or n5mnw@arrl.net.
>   If you're not an ARRL member and are considering it, AARC will waive=
>first year's AARC dues if you sign up for ARRL membership through the club!
>Contact Don AC5YK@arrl.net for more details.
>After-school Amateur Radio instruction-Roger W5WIA 453-2193 leave a msg
>Ham Radio Breakfast- Waterloo Ice House 8600 Burnet Rd 7-8:30AM Sat morns
>Ham Radio Lunch- "Who's On 1st?" Walsh-Tarlton 11AM-12:30 Thurs 444.1
>ARES Lunch- Weds 11:30-1PM Jim's N. I-35 - S of St. John's 146.94/147.36
>ARO 1st Tue 7:30PM North Loop Luby's off Burnet
>AARC 2nd Tue 7:30PM, TCARES 5th Tue 7PM- same Luby's
>Austin Packet Group SIG 4th Wed- same Luby's
>WCARC 1st Thurs G'town ISD office on Lakeway Dr. WCARES 2nd Thur RR Fire #1
>BCARC- 1st Sat eat 6PM- meet 7PM La Caba=F1a on 71 just west of Smithville
>WCARC breakfast Sat 7AM Monument Caf=E9 Austin Ave- north of Candle Factory
>Bastrop County breakfast Sats 7:45AM Smithville's Caboose Restaurant
>QCWA QSO NET Sat mornings 9AM local 3920Kcps Austin Chapter 67
>CTDXCC 4th Mon 6:45PM Old Quarry Lib. Far West near Post Ofc.=
>ARES Sunday VHF nets: BCARES- 6:45PM 145.35(114.8PL)/443.75,
>  TCARES- 7:30PM 147.36(131.8PL), WCARES- 8PM 145.13, 145.73 ARES packet
>State-wide ARES net on 3873kHz Mondays 7:30PM right after Tx Traffic Net
>Hays Co. ARES net Monday 7:30PM 147.14(+)
>Trader's Net Fri 7:30PM 3870kHz
>Texas Traders Trader's Net Sunday 9AM 7245kHz
>Continental Trader's Net Sun 7PM 3922 www.3922group.com/hamfest.html
>Texas Traffic Nets 7290, 7285, 3935, 3873, 147.10(+)
>         **Mark your calendars for Swapfests/Events:**
>Upcoming Events Calendar- http://www.repeater.org/calendar/calendar.cgi
>Regular Tailgates and exam sessions:
>      1st Sat- Dallas Tx Jim Geer WB5LXZ jbgeer@swbell.net
>      3rd Sat- Ft Worth Tandy lot- 1mi W of Main St @ Terminal/Blue Mound
>      4th Sat- McKinney, Tx Ed Padget KK5WT@arrl.net
>      Quarterly 3rd Sat- Humble/Kingwood Tx Herb KF9RX@pdq.net 145.430(-)
>ARRL Exams 1st Sat Murchison 9AM Joe N5SMN 832-0450 / Joe W5HS 345-0800
>W5YI Exams 3rd Sat St Edwards 2PM Moody Hall Jim AB5EK@arrl.net 327-6184
>           ***2002***
>Aug 24 Cooke County ARC
>      James N5ZPU 940-668-7511 jfloyd54@swbell.net
>Sep 7 HLARC 2nd annual Burnet swapmeet (first Saturday) Ham exams 1PM
>      Burnet repeater (K5HLA/R) 146.66 88.5PL
>      www.hlarc.org  Roy k5wsc@arrl.net 512-715-0717 or w5eze@arrl.net
>Sep 7 Clear Lake (TX) Amateur Radio Club (CLARC)
>      doors opening to the public at 9:30AM til 2PM
>      Card-checking for both ARRL/AMSAT www.clarc.org/hamfest.htm
>Sep 9-25th Mon-Wed evening Technician class 6-9PM Murchison
>      $30 gets you the ARRL book, handouts, room fee and instruction.
>      Lori/Jeff 255-6753 n5mnw@arrl.net syllabus- www.repeater.org
>Sep 14 2nd Annual Katy Sunrise Swapmeet 6:58AM-11AM Katy VFW Hall
>      $1 entry, indoor tables $10, tailgate $5 ea Talk-in 147.2(+) no PL
>      Charles, KK5MS at: 713-202-9898 knoblcs@attglobal.net
>      http://www.omnilaw.com/karsradio
>Oct 5 Belton Ham Expo - Mike LeFan, WA5EQQ
>      hamexpo@tarc.org  http://www.tarc.org
>Oct 12 Denton County ARA http://www.dentonhamfest.org
>      Randy Wooten, KD5KJZ@yahoo.com  940-566-7973
>Nov 1-2 Odessa West Texas Amateur Radio Club
>      Holiday Inn Center, Hwy 80 in Odessa
>      VE testing will be available at the event
>      http://www.wt5arc.com/fest.htm
>Nov 1-2 Baton Rouge ARC Hamfest- Baker, La. Opens to public 5PM Fri/7AM Sat
>      Baker Civic Auditorium 3325 Groom Rd  Friday Setup 11AM
>      FCC forum with Riley Hollingsworth K4ZDH
>      Herb W5LSU 225-654-6087  fax- 225-654-5730  800-256-FEST
>      www.brarc.org  W5LSU@worldnet.att.net
>Nov 9 Gathering of Memories Airshow in San Marcos- W5CAF special event
>      To volunteer for comms- email n5mnw@arrl.net
>      Airshow info- http://www.realtime.net/centex/
>           ***2003***
>Feb 2 Georgetown Sunday Swapmeet San Gabriel Park   Exams- 8:30A.M.
>      Setup 10AM open at 12noon-3PM Jeff N5MNW 255-6753 n5mnw@arrl.net
>Feb 8 Landing Zone Training (helicopter rescue) 9AM Shoreline Christian Ctr
>      Dan KC5SWU Motorcycle Special Event Team mset-tx@juno.com
>      Home: (512) 280-6702 Pager: (512) 307-8301
>Official Austin Ham Home on the web (ARO & AARC) LOTS of links!!
>    http://www.repeater.org
>If you have submissions for the ARO website-  www.repeater.org
>Please email Jeff N5MNW@arrl.net
>The following is generated from a 2m voice net held every Sunday at 9PM
>on the ARO 146.940 repeater in Austin, TX, and is a 25-year tradition!
>Postings expire after six weeks.
>You may copy or forward as you wish. Please give proper acknowledgements.
>   Please send SwapNet Newsletter updates to: n5mnw@arrl.net
>Be sure to include your name, callsign and phone number.
>11-Aug          Austin SwapNet Have List     Area code 512 unless indicated
>          p =3D pager  c =3D cellphone  * =3D call before 9PM
>Name     Call   Phone     Description
>------   ------ --------- ----------------------------------------
>Ron      WB5KAN 542-0024  Alinco DJ580 HT w/display pblm $100
>Ron      WB5KAN 542-0024  IC761 HF allband w/internal PS $700
>Ron      WB5KAN 542-0024  Yaesu FT900 allband HF w/sepkit $700
>Ron      WB5KAN rondarby@bigfoot.com  will trade for >900MHz comp
>Cecil    K5YQF  257-9005  Alpha Delta DX-EE 40-10m, no trap dipole.  $35=20
>or trade?
>Cecil    K5YQF@arrl.net
>Paul     KI4MS  272-9187  Yaesu FT7100 db mob- new in box w/sepkit $250
>Paul     KI4MS  pemorris@bigfoot.com
>Sylvia   nocall 869-4746  Kwd TM7950 2m mob $100, Kwd TH28A 2m HT $200
>Sylvia   nocall 869-4746  ICOM AT500 HF autotuner $250, IC229H 2m mob $150
>Sylvia   nocall 869-4746  IC720 HF w/SM5 mic/SP3 spkr $250
>Sylvia   nocall sylviaos@earthlink.net  Atlas 330 PS $120
>Dean     K5FDH  863-3451  Mosley mini 33, 3 el, 3 band, mini beam w/coax=
>Dean     K5FDH  863-3451  Ameritron AL-811 HF amp with extra tube $400
>Dean     K5FDH  K5FDH@hotmail.com  Yaesu FT840 transceiver $400
>Rick     W5JAZ  795-0985  2m & UHF cross-polarized satellite yagis
>Rick     W5JAZ  795-0985  PK232mbx w/TAPR 9600bd satellite modem
>Rick     W5JAZ  795-0985  Yaseu 10 watt FT-7 HF rig- w/mic/manual $200
>Rick     W5JAZ  795-0985  Kwd TS-430S HF rig w/mic/supply/pwr cord/manual=
>Rick     W5JAZ  r.lawn@mail.utexas.edu TenTec 6m xverter (20m), MFJ949C HF=
>Jess     KD5LLI 707-9529  3 10ft Tower Sections, including top piece -=20
>Best Offer
>Jess     KD5LLI 707-9529  Industrial Touchscreen computer $100 OBO
>Jess     KD5LLI 707-9529  Motorola Mostar UHF Mobile Radio
>Jess     KD5LLI 707-9529  Various Dish Antennas $5-$20/each
>Jess     KD5LLI@lbjhs.net misc. cables, as well as a large roll of rg58
>Patrick  KI6JZ  478-3277  Kwd 2m HTs- TH-25 AT, TH-21 AT, TH 2500 AT
>Patrick  KI6JZ  478-3277  Kwd TH-3600A- 70 cm HT (old band plan)
>Patrick  KI6JZ  478-3277  Icom IC-R1 HH HF-UHF Receiver 0.1-1300 MHz
>Patrick  KI6JZ  478-3277  Kwd MS-1 Mobile Stand for TH-2600/3600
>Patrick  KI6JZ  478-3277  Kwd TS-80 Mic w/pre-amp, Kwd PC-1A- Phone Patch
>Patrick  KI6JZ  478-3277  Yaesu YM-83 Dynamic Microphone
>Mitch    KD5HCV 472-2843  6 Archerotor Antenna Rotators w/ 100' cable $30=
>Mitch    KD5HCV mlondon@austin.rr.com
>Bill     KD5NSK 585-8426  Ysu FT-100D HF-UHF allmode w/manual/box $775 OBO
>Bill     KD5NSK@arrl.net
>Curt     W4QBU  331-9064  2 Meter 5/8 wave Ground Plane w/angle bkt/15'=20
>Curt     W4QBU@arrl.net   Kantronics Universal Terminal Unit
>Mel      K5QXY            Kwd TS-930 HF rig, Alpha 374 HF amp
>Mel      K5QXY@arrl.net
>Steve    N4SJJ  750-1205  3-el 10m beam- structurally sound but needs new=
>Steve    KW5V   773-1511  70' tower w/Ham IV rotor, HyGain 204BA- 4 el 20m=
>Steve    KW5V   773-1511  10m vert dipole on tower, 40/15 doublet, 80m=
>Steve    KW5V   773-1511  Prefers to sell above w/QTH- 1.11 acres in=20
>N.Hays county
>Steve    KW5V   414-4870w Heathkit SB604 ext spkr/PS  (HP1144)
>Steve    KW5V   sbosbach@austin.rr.com
>Tim      W5FN   895-2709  Kwd TH78A duo band HT w/cases/chgr/AApk $200
>Tim      W5FN   895-2709  AEA PK232 (the original) with manuals/cables $75
>Tim      W5FN   895-2709  Yaesu VX1R with manuals $90
>Jeff     N5MNW  255-6753  RS 2040 100ch tabletop scanner $90
>Jeff     N5MNW  255-6753  Kenwood PS-50 P/S- matches TS140/430/440 rigs=20
>-rough $90
>Jeff     N5MNW  255-6753  R/S HTX100 10m USB/CW mob $90
>Jeff     N5MNW  255-6753  IC751A allmode HF rig w/CW filt/intPS/freq ctl=20
>pad $600
>Jeff     N5MNW@arrl.net   Ysu VX-300 VHF 2m-174MHz HT w/2batts/chgr $150
>Mark     WB1W   302-5206 Yaesu VX-5R with manual, cig chgr, no wall chgr=
>Mark     WB1W   302-5206 10m and 17m mobile stick antennas $10 each
>Mark     WB1W   302-5206 12V 10A P/S $20, MFJ 1278B controller=20
>w/manl/software $75
>Mark     WB1W   302-5206 15" CRT monitor, gd condx $50, 30GB IDE hard=20
>drive $50
>Mark     WB1W   302-5206 Agfa 780 digital camera, 640x480,=20
>w/software/cable $40
>Mark     WB1W   302-5206 24x CD-ROM drive $15, DVD drive $20, Floppy=20
>drives $5 ea
>Mark     WB1W   302-5206 Solar panels 12V 250mA $5 each
>John     KD5MPM 501-609-6232 2- Heathkit DX-100s $100 ea, Kwd TS700 2m=20
>allmode $200
>John     KD5MPM 501-609-6232 TenTec Omni-A HF xcvr $200, Kwd TS680 HF-6m=20
>xcvr $300
>John     KD5MPM 501-609-6232 R/S 440Mhz tiny HT $35, 2m mob amp 5in60out=20
>FM amp $35
>John     KD5MPM@yahoo.com
>11-Aug          Austin SwapNet Want List     Area code 512 unless indicated
>          p =3D pager  c =3D cellphone  * =3D call before 9PM
>Name     Call   Phone     Description
>------   ------ --------- ----------------------------------------
>Jeff     N5MNW  255-6753  Power supply assembly & svc manual for IFR A-7550
>Jeff     N5MNW  255-6753  R/S WX200 Accuweather control box
>Jeff     N5MNW  255-6753  Service manl- Kenwood D7A
>Jeff     N5MNW  255-6753  ICOM IC-02AT
>Jeff     N5MNW@arrl.net   5V 4Amp filament transformer
>Rick     KD5ABM 454-4306  Op/svc manl for EIP 535 freq. Counter
>Rick     KD5ABM@arrl.net
>Jim      AD5JT  376-5302  Kwd TL922 HF amp
>Jim      AD5JT@aol.com
>Mark     KD5PSR 327-9607  weaudio@sbcglobal.net Talk w/T81A owners-=20
>programming info
>Dave     N5WNM  210-694-5977 TV-7 or TV-2 series tube tester- dead or alive
>Dave     N5WNM  daveaust@pol.net
>Shawn    KD5OUQ 288-0499  Samsung KT3170 DTMF decoder IC
>Shawn    KD5OUQ@qsl.net
>Curt     W4QBU  331-9064  Manual- Kantronics Universal Terminal Unit
>Curt     W4QBU@arrl.net
>Greg     AG5W   863-2354  Hygain TH7DX
>Steven   N5YEO  210-823-1016 220Mhz mob w/PL/over 10 memories
>David    N5QMM  312-5665  Win98 software- PageMaker 6.0 and MS Publisher
>Dallas   KD4HNX 228-5463  For WCARC 146.64 rptr: DB-224 2m=20
>Dallas   KD4HNX@wcarc.com
>Steven   W5OHM  989-9110  Bencher paddle or similar key
>Dale     W5LN   206-0714  Sony IC2010 SW RX
>Ron      N5SYZ  835-7781  Stolen: Lt Blue '97 Lincoln Town car lic- KD5CLU
>Ron      N5SYZ  835-7781  Stolen: Kenwood TM732A triband S/N 20900010

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