[HQRP] New list server software for hqrp@stevens.com

J.D. Stevens dave@stevens.com
Fri, 30 Aug 2002 18:02:08 -0500

I have changed the list management software for hqrp@stevens.com from Listar to 
Mailman. The new format includes web based management of subscription options. 
The format of the archives will change as well.

You should have received a message with a password in it. You can change the 
password if you want or just leave it alone. You only need the password to 
modify your subscription.

Please be patient as we work out bugs related to the transition to new software.

Dave Stevens      |    dave@stevens.com   |    http://www.stevens.com
STEVENS.COM, Inc. |      713-419-0313     | http://www.prettygood.net
                   |    Houston, TX, USA   |