[HQRP] Plain text vs. MIME formatted messages.

J.D. Stevens dave@stevens.com
Wed, 11 Sep 2002 14:06:43 -0500 (CDT)

Many of you have had some difficulties and frustrations posting messages 
to email lists hosted by STEVENS.COM since we started using Mailman list 
server software.

Please see 


for information about why we accept only text/plain messages. There are
also some hints for setting your email client to send only text/plain to
an email list.

If you have an attachment that should be shared with all the 
recipients of a list, please put it on an ftp site and include a URL for 
the attachment in your message. If you don't have a suitable ftp site, I 
may be able to provide one for you.

Dave Stevens      |    dave@stevens.com   |    http://www.stevens.com
STEVENS.COM, Inc. |      713-419-0313     | http://www.prettygood.net
                  |    Houston, TX, USA   |