[HQRP] FS/FT: QRP 20 watt linear amp kit

K5BDZ@aol.com K5BDZ@aol.com
Sat, 9 Nov 2002 16:00:17 EST

I know...I know.... 20 watts in the same breath as QRP is an oxymoron!

I have one (1) Ramsey 40 meter 20 watt linear amp kit - unbuilt, still in 
original package (1-2 watts input, 20 watts output according to Ramsey Kits).
Model number QAMP40, as well as separate matching Ramsey enclosure kit.

Want to trade for a QRP xcvr, receiver or similar, working or not... or  kit 
of some kind -  of like value - or ????? :

The linear amp kit design is broadband input and band low pass filter output. 
 Ramsey design of this basic kit is for 80, 40, or 20 meters, with apparently 
only the output filter being "band specific"... see their website for more 

Any offers?  I'm just north of Houston, Texas
Bill K5BDZ

Bill K5BDZ