[HQRP] There is STILL time...

MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU] Andrew.MacAllister@EmersonProcess.com
Tue, 10 Feb 2004 23:52:25 -0600

That's Right!

It takes only TWO casual evenings to build a Bare Essentials Transmitter!
Of course that assumes that you have the ingredients...  BUT, with the
exception of the 50C5 and the 7-pin tube socket, you can get the other items
at EPO.

Complete plans for the single, and dual-band versions have been posted to
the FILES section of our Yahoogroup (HQRP).  Don't just be a "thinker" on
this one, be a DO'ER!  You will be glad you did...

72 de Andy W5ACM