[HQRP] ARCI Fall QSO Party Pix Have Been Posted!

MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU] Andrew.MacAllister@EmersonProcess.com
Mon, 25 Oct 2004 22:31:27 -0500


Pictures from Henry W5HNS and Andy W5ACM (using a borrowed camera de K9TEX)
have been posted to our HQRP Yahoogroups site of our HQRP field ops from Tom
Bass Park #3 on the north side of Pearland.  Look for the folder starting
with 4A23_QSO...

The ARCI Fall QSO Party was great fun and quite successful in spite of a
short rain break.  Things were going so well on 15 and 20 Meters, that we
stayed until the rain returned at 2 PM.

Participants included W5ACM, WD5BDX, N5EBD, W5EET, N5EM and W5HNS.  Henry
provided an Elecraft K2 and a short, tuned vertical for 15 Meters, while
Andy brought his Elecraft KX-1 and a dipole for 20 Meters.  We had 25
contacts on 15 and 23 contacts on 20 using the callsign W5MSQ.  The pace was
easy, the temperature was comfortable, the ducks had fun, and so did we!

This was a nice, easy-to-get-to, site for this type of outing.  I hope we
will try it again!  Don't forget to check out the pix, and plan to attend
next time!!!

72 de Andy W5ACM
ARCI #6911

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