[HQRP] annual San Antonio QRP breakfast

K5BDZ@aol.com K5BDZ@aol.com
Sat, 13 Nov 2004 18:17:20 EST

The annual San Antonio QRP breakfast will be held before the swap  begins,
and they expect to have a special guest who will fly in from  California for 
the occasion (no, it isn't Arnold) with a prototype of a new QRP  transceiver 
kit for show-and-tell
session. Full details will be available by  mid-December, so block out Jan. 
8th to be in San Antonio.  Sounds like  they're upping the bar... and I wanna 
be there.
My daughter and her hubby live there, so I have a place to camp.  See  y'all 
Bill K5BDZ

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