[HQRP] HQRP December Meeting Photos Have Been Posted

MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU] Andrew.MacAllister@EmersonProcess.com
Tue, 14 Dec 2004 00:20:19 -0600


Check out the photos at Yahoogroups for the December 11, 2004, HQRP meeting.
Look for album 4C11_Mtg.  This meeting was dominated by the HQRP Altoids
Contest.  W5RH got 1st Place with his NOGA Power Meter.  Rick chose the Tuna
Tin 2 kit as his prize.  N5TED took 2nd with a AT Sprint 3.  Ted got the
magnifier/holder.  His untested 4-band DDS QRP rig looked great.  Finally
KA5HZV won 3rd Place with his AZ Scorpians keyer.  It was wired up and
running for all to test.  Ron snared the 10-M QRP XCVR PCB.  Rick W5RH gave
a short antenna talk with handouts, while Lee W0VT and Andy W5ACM described
progress with the HQRP HAMECO AC-1H kit project.  It was an excellent
meeting, and we hope to do the Altoids event again next year.

72 de Andy W5ACM

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