[HQRP] The Hameco AC-1 project

Janzer, Mark MJanzer@arcadis-us.com
Thu, 16 Dec 2004 16:13:55 -0600

One of our Foxhunt team members, N6NVP, had posted the below email to
QRP-L. It has generated a raft of new members to the Yahoo group.

The last meeting saw more progress on the effort towards kitting this
transmitter, We've still a ways to go. But it is progressing. =20

If Lee or Andy can provide a really short status report as to where we
currently are, that would be great.  I know that more was said at the
meeting, but I and our newest 7 members (plus a few others) didn't

Photos from the last meeting have been posted in the photos area. Look
for album 4C11_Mtg.

Respectfully submitted,

Email as sent to QRP-L

I've been hearing about a transmitter being protyped by the Houston
MosQRPitos reproducing the Ameco AC-1 in what they are calling the
Hameco AC-1H.  I don't have a lot of the details. (Maybe one of the guys
involved in the project would like to jump in here?) You can find the
MosQRPitos yahoo group at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HQRP

There is a rigpix entry for the AMECO at:

This is sounds like an exciting project to me, and also sounds like
exactly what CORY is looking for.