[BLT] HTTY 146.10-.70 Repeater is headed to Temple

MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU] Andrew.MacAllister@EmersonProcess.com
Thu, 1 Apr 2004 14:37:20 -0600


For those of you in Houston that frequent the HTTY repeater on 146.10-.70,
don't be surprised by the silence.  Mike WA5TWT cut power and brought the
repeater and cavities to my office today at 10AM.  Randy KA5IIA will be
taking the gear to Temple Texas for some diagnostics, tweaking and repair
work on Saturday.  We hope to be back on the air early next week, but there
are a lot of variables in the schedule, and it's been many years since the
repeater was last serviced.  There may be coax or antenna problems too.

Everyone may now disperse to other lesser machines!  The rest of us will
simply QSY to 147.435 for a while.

Many thanks to Randy for volunteering to make this happen, and Mike (HTTY
repeater trustee) for the quick action getting the system out of the rack
and into Randy's hands on such short notice!!

73 de Andy W5ACM
for The Houston TeleType Club

...are you ready for BLT-20???
Looks like an August launch to me!!!