[BLT] FW: HTTY 146.10-.70 Repeater is headed to Temple

MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU] Andrew.MacAllister@EmersonProcess.com
Mon, 5 Apr 2004 08:51:22 -0500

The Report!

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Friesenhahn, Randy [EPM/HOU] 
> Sent:	Monday, April 05, 2004 8:46 AM
> To:	MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU]
> Subject:	RE: HTTY 146.10-.70 Repeater is headed to Temple
> Andy and the Group:
> The 146.10 / .70 Repeater is done! The unit as found was seriously out of
> alignment and producing lower than desired power output. The receiver
> front end was the key problem, once it was redone the unit improved
> considerably. The Duplexers were only slightly off, they were adjusted and
> the assembly fully tested as an assembly. The unit is ready for pickup and
> reinstall. 
> 1) Receiver Sensitivity as found: -80 dB / As left: -118 dB
> 2) Transmitter Output power as found: 15 Watts / No Change
> 3) Full assembly Sensitivity: -114 dB
> Randy
>       -----Original Message-----
> From: 	MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU]  
> Sent:	Thursday, April 01, 2004 2:37 PM
> To:	blt@stevens.com
> Subject:	HTTY 146.10-.70 Repeater is headed to Temple
> FYI,
> For those of you in Houston that frequent the HTTY repeater on 146.10-.70,
> don't be surprised by the silence.  Mike WA5TWT cut power and brought the
> repeater and cavities to my office today at 10AM.  Randy KA5IIA will be
> taking the gear to Temple Texas for some diagnostics, tweaking and repair
> work on Saturday.  We hope to be back on the air early next week, but
> there are a lot of variables in the schedule, and it's been many years
> since the repeater was last serviced.  There may be coax or antenna
> problems too.
> Everyone may now disperse to other lesser machines!  The rest of us will
> simply QSY to 147.435 for a while.
> Many thanks to Randy for volunteering to make this happen, and Mike (HTTY
> repeater trustee) for the quick action getting the system out of the rack
> and into Randy's hands on such short notice!!
> 73 de Andy W5ACM
> for The Houston TeleType Club
> ...are you ready for BLT-20???
> Looks like an August launch to me!!!

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