[BLT] HTTY Repeater Off The Air! again...

MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU] Andrew.MacAllister@EmersonProcess.com
Mon, 19 Apr 2004 23:15:42 -0500

Houston Balloonatics,

The 146.10-.70 repeater was taken off line again on Friday, April 16th.
Apparently the vari-caps in the receiver front end just won't hold their
settings.  Mike WA5TWT only had to drag the main repeater off the building
this time.  The cavities are now in excellent shape.  Mike stuffed the
repeater under his boat in his back yard where Andy W5ACM found it on
Saturday.  Randy KA5IIA hid the box under a coat in his giant red truck, and
has hauled it home for some vari-cap swap out work.  Randy was reportedly
working on it this evening, but his work schedule is suspect and may include
some international travel in the near future.  I will keep you updated on

73 de Andy W5ACM
To The Edge of Space!

Tentatively planning for a BLT-20 Planning Meeting on Wednesday, May 19th...