[BLT] BLT-20 Construction Meeting Photos have been posted!

MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU] Andrew.MacAllister@EmersonProcess.com
Sun, 4 Jul 2004 01:39:42 -0500

BLT-20 Balloonatics,

Pete KD5ELH took some really excellent photos at the June 30th BLT-20
construction meeting.  I tried to trim the collection down to a reasonable
number, but still ended up with 16 winners.  Check them out at
http://www.qsl.net/w5acm .  We made a LOT of progress, but still have plenty
to do at the integration meeting on July 28th.

Don't forget that BLT-20 is scheduled for launch on August 21st!  Be There!

To The Edge of Space!

Andy W5ACM
for The South Texas Balloon Launch Team