[BLT] FW: July General Meeting and more.

MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU] Andrew.MacAllister@EmersonProcess.com
Tue, 6 Jul 2004 09:50:04 -0500

FYI de Andy W5ACM

THIS Thursday...

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Cameron (lat) [SMTP:k5cam@arrl.net]
> Sent:	Tuesday, July 06, 2004 9:34 AM
> To:	"b-varc members"
> Subject:	July General Meeting and more.
> Hi BVARCers,
> The July General Meeting will be this Thursday (July 8) at 7:30 PM in the
> Sugar Land Community Center.  Please refer to our web site for directions.
> The program consists of a ham satellite demonstration featuring Allen
> Mattis,N5AFV, and Scott Medbury, KD5FBA.  They will give advice on getting
> started and operating in the satellite area.  They were able to make three
> contacts during Field Day to give us points for that mode.  
> Also, on the program may be 
> *	Discussion of our really successful Field Day and plans for next
> year. 
> *	Discussion concerning BVARC surrendering 145.47 and transferring
> club activities including the Monday Night Net to another repeater.  The
> Board of Directors is leaning toward 146.88 (103.5) which will soon be at
> 1600+ feet on one of the towers near Missouri City.  Allen, N5XZ, would
> like to receive your thoughts on this subject - <mailto:n5xz@arrl.net>. 
> The Monday Night PSN Net had to shift to 145.45 this week again since the
> noise made it impossible for the net control to be understood.
> Other club activities this week: 
> *	Monday night 8 PM Public Service Net, depending on a control
> operator being available.  We are in serious need of additional control
> ops to call the net.  Please contact any member of the board or one of the
> control ops on the net if you are interested.  See the club web site or
> newsletter. 
> *	Wednesday night HF net at 7PM on 3910 +/-.  See the club web site or
> newsletter. 
> *	Saturday breakfasts.  See the club web site or newsletter. 
> 73,
> Cam, k5cam

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