[BLT] Rice BLT Update for Friday - 29JUL04

MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU] Andrew.MacAllister@EmersonProcess.com
Fri, 23 Jul 2004 08:42:04 -0500

Here's the latest from the Rice University ozone flights (403.2 MHz):
The modem is 300 baud.  We're on WFM on our receiver.  The radiosonde
batteries seem to last 3+ hours.  We probably won't launch on Saturday, but
we may launch on Sunday.  Keep an eye on the website.
If you don't have the Rice balloon website bookmarked yet, just go to
http://www.rice.edu <http://www.rice.edu/>  and enter - balloon ozone - in
the search box at the top of the home page, and you're there!  Remember that
they do not launch if WX is bad.  Today I will try listening with the Yaesu
VR-500 in WFM using a 19" whip.
To the Edge of Space!
Andy W5ACM

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