[BLT] Success!! Rice BLT Heard ~403.2 WFM

MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU] Andrew.MacAllister@EmersonProcess.com
Fri, 23 Jul 2004 14:06:26 -0500

1358 Hrs - Houston - I-10 and Bunker Hill
I am not sure of the actual launch time, but I am currently receiving the
wide FM signal ~403.205 MHz.  There is plenty of QSB, but the fidelity is
excellent on the Yaesu VR-500 with 19" whip.  It sounds a lot like
UoSat-OSCAR-9, back when that satellite was active and transmitting 300-baud
telemetry.  A tuned directional antenna for 403 MHz would certainly help.  I
could not get any readable reception using narrow FM.
Andy W5ACM

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