[BLT] Fw: Amateur Radio high altitude balloon launch announcement service

Andy MacAllister w5acm@swbell.net
Sat, 31 Jul 2004 22:16:21 -0500


Andy W5ACM

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ralph Wallio, W0RPK" <wallio@crosspaths.net>
Cc: "GPSL" <GPSL@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2004 5:43 PM
Subject: Amateur Radio high altitude balloon launch announcement service

> We have a new Amateur Radio high altitude balloon launch announcement
> service at
> http://users.crosspaths.net/wallio/ARHAB%20Launch%20Announcements.htm.
> Additions and changes will be updated almost daily as necessary.
> Launch information is also posted to Balloon_Sked@yahoogroups.com.
> Balloon_Sked-subscribe@yahoogroups.com to subscribe (no subject or text is
> required).
> All high altitude ballooning groups, Amateur Radio, university, et al.,
> encouraged to submit information to be included in these announcements.
> As of 31Jul04 we have five flights scheduled to be launched from Tulsa,
> Kansas City, Denver, Dallas and Houston areas.
> TNX es 73 de Ralph Wallio, W0RPK
> wallio@crosspaths.net
> http://users.crosspaths.net/wallio/
> Hubbert's Peak - The Mother of all Perfect Storms