[BLT] BLT-20 Is Set For Saturday @ 10 AM!

MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU] Andrew.MacAllister@EmersonProcess.com
Thu, 19 Aug 2004 15:29:32 -0500

We had a "most interesting" Final Integration Meeting last night.  The good
news is that all of the pieces are coming together, but all is not yet done.
It looks like the Payload Decoration Party on Friday will once again turn
into a Final Final Integration Meeting!  There is a loose connection between
the camera and the 1255 MHz ATV transmitter.  The primary-payload APRS
transmitter has decided to QSY to 440.980 MHz.  We hope it will stay there.
There are still a LOT of wires to be tied down, but it will be done!  We
have more helium than ever before.  The "wing glider" is Amazing.  If it
survives pre-flight testing in Rosenberg, you will be delighted with this
beast.  We have backup 1200-gr balloons.  The folks at the Wharton Spaceport
are ready for our arrival.  All of the pieces to the puzzle are in place.
We just have to apply a little last-minute, quick-set epoxy, and Let It Go!
To The Edge of Space!
Andy W5ACM
BLT-20 - Saturday - August 21, 2004 - 10AM - Wharton Spaceport
http://www.qsl.net/w5acm/ <http://www.qsl.net/w5acm/> 

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