[BLT] Mystery Balloon Payload Found in Pearland!

MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU] Andrew.MacAllister@EmersonProcess.com
Thu, 14 Oct 2004 20:16:09 -0500


I just got a call from Harris N5QJE about a mystery balloon payload found
near Dixie Farm Road in the Pearland area.  Could it be one of the Rice
University Ozone Detection payloads, or is it YOURS!  Mike Johnson at the
Pearland PD is holding the package for a possible claim.

Ask around!  There is no ID on the package, and they don't know how long it
has been hanging in the tree... but apparently there was enough power left
in the internal lithium batteries to keep a few onboard LEDs lit.

To The Edge of Space!

Andy W5ACM

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