[HQRP] VE Test Session - 2/17/01

John Moore jwm@hal-pc.org
Sat, 17 Feb 2001 12:39:32 -0600

                      by:  John Moore, KK5NU

HQRP sponsored and administered the ARRL's Amateur Radio Examinations
that were held on Saturday morning, February 17, 2000 in conjunction
with our February monthly meeting at the Union Planters Bank Community
Room, 5005 Woodway here in Houston.

                            V. E. TEAM:
                       Lee Bahr,         W0VT
                       John Koppenhaver, N0BNA
                       Ed Manuel,        N5EM
                       John Moore,       KK5NU


A total of 12 examination elements were administered during the 
morning session to 9 applicants.  Three (3) unlicensed candidates 
received their Technician License, including one who also passed 
Element 3; one (1) unlicensed candidate received a Tech w/HF License;
One (1) examinee upgraded his Technician License to Tech w/HF; One (1)
examinee upgraded to General; One (1) examinee upgraded to Extra and 
One (1) examinee upgraded to Extra with a CSCE for Element 4B.  The 
overall "pass rate" for the session for examination elements taken 
was 91%.   

Congratulations to the following who upgraded and/or passed exams:

       Rachel C. Ashley         -           - Technician
       Bruce A. Baskett         -   K5BAB   - Extra
       Karl M. Bernard          -           - Technician
       Mark Janzer              -   K5MGJ   - Tech w/HF
       James M. Minor           -   N1GXQ   - Extra  
       Michael F. Perkins       -  KD5MVL   - General
       Charles L. Thomas        -           - Tech w/HF
       Kathleen D. White        -           - Technician & Element 3
Many thanks to each of the Team Members and Assistants who volunteered
their time and effort this month.

All of us at HQRP thank Union Planters Bank for making these excellent 
facilities available to us for our exams and meeting each month.

                           ..... 72/73 .....

72/73 de John Moore, KK5NU

eMail: jwm@hal-pc.org

www - http://hal-pc.org/~jwm
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