[HQRP] Re: Give Away

Mark Janzer mjanzer@wsbc.com
Mon, 26 Feb 2001 10:47:14 -0600

Bill "forced" :) me to take an additional push-up pole while visiting on 
Sunday.  If somebody would like one, feel free to contact me. Otherwise the 
XYL may see another one mysteriously appear on the side of the garage.

Mark, K5MGJ

-----Original Message-----
Sent:	Friday, February 23, 2001 6:40 AM
To:	hqrp@stevens.com
Subject:	[HQRP] Give Away

Am giving away - and you gotta haul off - numerous "Radio Shack Pushup 
from my past home in Southwest Houston.

Also giving away other ham radio stuff (than means you gotta take - haul 
-  the whole box, not just the variable cap in the bottom!).

Call me for info...
Bill Hickox, K5BDZ
office: 713.271.2600
home:  281.379.3399
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